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📌 Preface:

A majority of these scans are originally from HERE. Otherwise, I've found some of these floating around online from Japanese fans who were kind enough to share them on social media.

This page mainly serves as a fan-ran archive and source of accessibility for non-Japanese Dorabase fans considering CoroCoro Magazine tends to contain a lot of exclusive colored art, cleaner manga scans, exclusive information not seen in the manga itself, and various merch left undocumented for the longest time.

As of June 2024, the archive is up to the 2008 issues of CoroCoro Magazine. Anything past 2008 that's Dorabase-related hasn't been found online yet, but if I do end up stumbling upon scans that are from 2009-2011 issues of CoroCoro Magazine, then I'll 1000% dump it on here for non-Japanese fan viewing.

A Google Drive mirror of the scans can be found HERE.

Also, PLEASE note that scans might take a while to load due to this page being pretty graphics heavy ! ! Thank you for understanding !

Last update was made on 06/23/24

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Original layout by Repth ! !